Please mark, January 1, 2022 on your Calendar
The FRHOA board of directors has gone through all budget items and have made a tough decision.
After several years there will be a monthly dues increase, 2/2 $200 and 3/3 $220. The reality is
that our community infrastructure is aging, and we need to make the necessary investment in it if we
are to continue to provide the level of services and benefits residents currently enjoy. This small
increase is needed to help us operate in a balanced budget.
The ever-increasing costs of services to our community include:
• lawn care
• landscaping
• insurance
• maintenance repairs
• utilities
These are but a few of the necessary expenses paid for with HOA dues.
The FRHOA Board wants to express their appreciation to our homeowners who have been diligent
in paying their dues and fulfilling their obligation to the HOA so that we can perform our duties as
needed. Thank you so very much for your commitment to support your community and your HOA.
For your convenience a copy of the Fox Run Condominium documents can be found at FRHOA Board recommends reading the Fox Run
Condominium documents, especially the Bylaws, to better understand the responsibilities of
the board, the terms of the board members as well as who is responsible for what repairs.
Thank you for your attention
Best regards,
FRHOA Board of Directors